Cost to refinish hardwood floors

Cost to refinish hardwood floors

In this article we will talk about floor refinishing cost, the factors that can influence the final cost and important points to keep into consideration. But before we get there, let’s talk about why the cost to refinish hardwood floors should be your main concern when renovating your house, and whether or not you should go for it.



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[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”17154″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The truth about refinishing hardwood floors

The thing about restoring your floors is that it can take a great portion of your budget, especially if you don’t consider it as a main priority. With this we don’t mean you can find great cost to refinish hardwood floors deals, but that you can’t hope to find a cheap option and except it to be a great job.

As a company that specializes in refinishing hardwood floors, this is something we know a lot of. If you want an impeccable, amazing job, you need to be willing to invest money on it.

The reason we say ‘invest’ and not spend is because a well done hardwood floor can significantly elevate the price of your home (in case you’re thinking of selling it in the future). Not to mention, lowers down the risk of suffering any problem regarding your floor maintenance through the years.

That being said, as someone who is looking for a great offer regarding floor refinishing cost, you shouldn’t strive for what’s cheaper, but rather for a cost-effective proposal that fits your budget and assures you a great result.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”17155″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Floor refinishing cost: Factors to consider that can influence the final price

Now, let’s talk about cost and prices, since that’s what we are here for. First and foremost, you shouldn’t compare the refinishing work you’re about to make on your own house to any previous work you’ve seen before.

It doesn’t matter if your friends or family tell you what they spent when they refinished their hardwood floors, because the truth is, the conditions might not be the same.

That being said, the very first thing you should keep in mind is that, as a company, we can’t give you a price straight away, and any company that does is being incredibly irresponsible. There are many factors we have to consider before we even give you an approximate budget, such as:

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]#1: The size of the work ahead

Believe it or not, refinishing your whole house floors and doing it so with just one area can cost just about the same -you will realize why later on-, nonetheless, we need to know how much area we’re talking about.

To answer your question about how much is the cost to refinish hardwood floors, we will ask you about how many square feets we’re covering, and more details about the area in general.


#2: The current condition of your floors

Like we said, it doesn’t matter what type of floor you currently have, we just need to know the state of its current condition, if it is too damaged, if it’s easy to remove or if it will take a lot of time and effort.

Unlike the previous factor we just mentioned, this one can drastically change the cost of your project depending on what type of flooring you already have and the job done previously to installed it.


#3: The deadline

This is common sense for anyone wondering what’s the cost to refinish hardwood floors. If you want an impeccable, great job done overnight, it’s very likely you’ll have to invest a significant amount of money.

However, if you’re willing to give this process the time that it needs to be done correctly, the general cost can go lower than expected. Now, this doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait for years to get your floors done, we are a company with qualified, expert people on their team who know how to work to meet the established deadlines.


#4: The general  state of the area to be refinished

Floor refinishing cost can vary depending on the area itself. An area that is easy to reach, doesn’t need leveling and has power outlets available for us to work, will probably be cheaper to do than an area that doesn’t mean this requirements.

Of course, we are prepared to work on either one of the conditions stated above and you’ll get an stunning result nonetheless, but this is a very important factor you should always keep in mind.


#5: The work conditions

This is similar to the point mentioned above, in the sense our team should know if there are any restrictions we should be aware before starting to work such as: Can we work only during the day? Are there any noise restrictions we should be aware of? Are you allowed to redo your floors?

In general, these particular points don’t affect the budget directly, but can either extend or cut down the deadline to finish off the whole project, something that does have big repercussions on the final price or cost.


Cost to refinish hardwood floors: Points to keep into consideration

Now that we have gone through factors that could elevate or lower the final cost of refinish hardwood floors, let’s talk about important points you should keep in mind when it comes to paying the final price.

The first thing you should know, is that in most cases, companies that have a long history of refinishing hardwood floors and overall have a more qualified team, will cost your more than one that doesn’t.

This doesn’t mean new, inpexert companies are a bad choice, it means you should be aware a good job will cost you money. But again, you need to think about this as a necessary investment and not another regular spent.

On the same trail of ideas, you should consider the workmanship and team that’s going to be working to refinish your floors: Are they any good? Do they have previous experience? Can they back up this by showing you their previous projects?

There’s also so imoportant fact you should strive to work with a company that uses nothing but high quality products to refinish, preserve and protect your own floors.

Luckily for you, when asking for a general budget, the company should explain their final price to you and consider these points as well (meaning man work and products are usually already included in the final budget). So, our recommendation is very simple: Gather information, quotes and budget for the companies you’re interested in and compare what each one is offering you.

Again, this is not for you to pick the cheapest one, but for you to realize what you’re paying for and how that money is going to be invested. Remember, you should strive for a price effective investment, and not just the cheapest choice out there.

Last point that you should have into consideration is the company’s reputation. You should always ask for their background, what other projects they’ve been involved in, if they’ve got any customer reviews and so on. You don’t want to leave something as important to the hand of amateurs.

Understand the state of your floors can either lower or elevate the price of your home, and that this is a long life investment you’re doing, and as such, should be left on the hands of professionals.

We encourage you to properly interrogate and check the company’s background and see if they are a correct fit for you. Even if they’re a renowned company, you should always, always, do this.


So, what’s the final cost to refinish hardwood floors?

Like we said at the beginning for the article, we can’t possible give you a budget straight away, since that would be irresponsible on our side. However, you should keep in mind these types of projects won’t cost you less than $1.000, no matter how small is the area you want to fix or refinish.

That being said, you need to be aware of the floor refinishing cost and that they aren’t generally cheap; on the contrary, you should be open to pay the correct price for a great job, and understand these prices are thought throughout and rounded to give you the best results possible.

As always, feel free to contact us at any time! We are here to help you get the hardwood floors you’ve always wanted, and our team is prepared to listen to you and give you a proper budget that fits your plans. It doesn’t matter what type of refinish project you want to get done, we are prepared to help you get it!

Big Bro Hardwood is a leading provider of hardwood refinishing, refinishing parquet floors, sanding, repairs, staining and restoration services in Naperville IL and surrounding areas. Fill up this contact form or call us at (630) 418 4139 for a free estimate.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]